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Answer Line
Which Disc is Which and What Can My Drive Burn?
Charles Woods, a self-defined "rank amateur," needs clear definitions of the optical disc varieties that his new PC's DVD/CD drive can burn.How-To
Quadruple Your Fun (and Productivity) With a Four-Monitor System
Think dual-display systems are the bee's knees? This quad-head setup will blow your mind.Steve Bass’s Tips & Tweaks
Dual Monitors, the Only Way to Go
Using two monitors can make your computing day much easier–Steve Bass tells you how to set them up.Answer Line
How I Upgraded My Laptop’s Hard Drive and Almost Lost My Mind
In which a simple hardware upgrade allows me to channel my inner Laurel and Hardy.How-To
What to Look For in Your Next Color Laser Printer
When choosing the right color laser printer for your business, you should weigh the importance of certain key features.How-To
Clever iPhone Tricks
Did you know you can dictate e-mail messages to your iPhone? That's just one of the tricks up our sleeves.Mobile Computing
Essential Gear for the Business Traveler, Part 1
Traveling lightly is a must these days, but Jim Martin found two gadgets worthy of a spot in the carry-on.Steve Bass’s Tips & Tweaks
Printer Ink: How Do You Define ‘Empty’?
Steve Bass finds 20 percent of the ink he paid for left in supposedly empty cartridges, but Brother has a logical (if not legal) explanation.Mobile Computing
Many Gadgets, One Carry-On Bag
The practice of packing only one bag for air travel is gaining popularity–but has drawbacks, as Jim Martin found.Steve Bass’s Tips & Tweaks
Ten Tools to Make Windows Shine
Add a layer of protection against spyware, stop Kaspersky's annoying audio alerts, and hide your files and folders. Plus: More fixes for the pesky Insert key.How-To
How to Prevent a Data Disaster
If a natural disaster wipes out your hard drive, it will probably destroy your local backups, too. Here's a backup plan that will get you through even the worst-case scenario.How-To
How to Save Money on Printing
Learn how to cut your printing costs with this step-by-step guide.How-To