Latest Gaming News
Sony Posts Annual Loss, as Economic Downturn Bites
Sony reports declining revenue and a loss for the year; with more losses expected in the current fiscal year.News
inFAMOUS for PlayStation 3 Demo Impressions
With great power comes great responsibility? Sucker Punch's freeform superhero game inFAMOUS lets you be the judge for a change.News
Cyanide Developing ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ Video Games
French developer of Horse Racing Manager and Horse Racing Manager 2 nabs the video game rights to fantasy author George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire cycle.News
Verizon to Offer HP Mini Netbook and ‘Mi-Fi’ Service May 17, Reports
Verizon Wireless is upping its mobile offerings with a new 3G-to-Wi-Fi router and a subsidized HP netbook.News
Microsoft to Buy Video Game Developer
Microsoft announced plans to buy BigPark, a video games developer based in British Columbia.News
Nintendo Sees Record Sales, Profits Despite Recession
Nintendo achieved record sales and profits in the year to March as consumers around the world snapped up its Wii console and DS handheld despite the recession.News
Duke Nukem For-Never? 3D Realms Shutting Down
Is Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms finally giving up the ghost? The rumor mill thinks so.News
StarCraft II Beta Test: Ready, Set, Click!
Care to pre-kill some Zerglings? Blizzard's taking app for its upcoming StarCraft II beta test now.News
Lord British Sues NCsoft for $24 Million, Claims Stock Fraud
Remember Richard Garriott? Computer role-playing game creator who hopped a Russian space flight last year? He's asking for 24 million from his former employer for stock fraud.News
Analyst: No New Game Consoles Until 2013, If Ever
Is this the "last generation" of video game consoles? Are we headed for a thin client, centralized processing, cloud computing future?News
Apple Snags Xbox Exec — More Games for iPhone?
Hiring priorities offer a clue to Apple's plans, from new chips to new entertainment.News
Resident Evil 5 in 3D Vision Confirmed for Windows
Capcom reveals Resident Evil 5, Bionic Commando, and Street Fighter IV for Windows PCs this summer, only two to five months late.News
Exclusive: Sony PSP Go! Storage Tech Revealed
Sources suggest new Sony PSP will use a recently debuted micro-sized high-speed memory technology co-developed by Sony and SanDisk.News
Sony PSP Go! Reportedly Scooped, But What’s Missing?
Another day, another PSP The Sequel rumor. This time it's 1UP, citing an anonymous source claiming it'll be called the PSP Go! and debut at E3 in June.News
PC Game Piracy: The PC Gaming Alliance Interview, Part Five
Is PC gaming wilting or blooming? Check out the final installment in our five part interview with PC Gaming Alliance and Intel games director Randy Stude and judge for yourself.News
New Sony PSP Go! Loses UMD, Expected in June
Speculation reaches new heights as the release of the updated PSP approaches. Here's what we're hearing.News
Homosexuality “Does Not Exist” in Star Wars
Star Wars The Old Republic MMO developer locks threads discussing homosexuality and same-sex relationships in pre-game forums, says terms "do not exist" in mythos.News
Konami Abandons ‘Six Days in Fallujah’ War Game
Japanese video game publisher drops Atomic Games' documentary-style Iraq War battle simulation after various soldiers and activists express outrage.News, the Konami Code, and a Whole Lotta’ Ponies
Clever Web designers over at ESPN have concealed a hidden burst of Unicorn-related joy in their Web page, and all you have to do is enter the old Nintendo Konami Code to see it.News
Bethesda: First “Elder Scrolls” Novel Due this Fall
Staged after the events in Oblivion sandbox video game, written by New York Times bestselling author Greg Keyes, and the first of two books set to grapple with Bethesda's sprawling fantasy mythos.News
Lord of the Rings Online Second Anniversary Promo
Want to sample one of the best MMORPGs on any platform? Turbine's offering discount plans and gift incentives to bring new would-be elves and hobbitses into the fold.News
Apple, Bring Back the Butterfly Keyboard for Netbooks
If Apple does enter the netbook category — and I believe it will, sooner rather than later — it should address the keyboard issue first.News
Apple Approves Tasteless Baby-Shaker iPhone Game, Then Removes It
Apple flip-flops on iPhone Baby Shaker application by first allowing it, then banning it.BizFeed
Red Lights Might Save Second Life
Restricting racy content may be the best bet for salvaging the business potential of the virtual world.News
5 Things The Elders Scrolls V Shouldn’t Do
Bethesda announces new standalone Fallout 3 game, and I take the opportunity to speculate about the developer's next Elder Scrolls fantasy roleplaying epic.News
Linden Lab Will Rate Parts of Second Life Adults Only
The move is part of a new plan to allow inhabitants of the virtual world to customize how they see it.News
LEGO Rock Band for Consoles, Nintendo DS Confirmed
It's April not-fools, the day where Warner Bros. announces the virtually inconceivable: a LEGO version of its popular rhythm-music rock game.News
Left 4 Dead Survival Pack for PC, Xbox 360 is Live
Valve pulls the trigger on its DLC expansion pack for Xbox 360 and PC, adding a brand new Survival mode and two new Versus mode campaigns.News
Console vs. PC: The PC Gaming Alliance Interview, Part Four
Is PC gaming wilting or blooming? Check out part four of our five part interview with PC Gaming Alliance and Intel games director Randy Stude and judge for yourself.News
Hey Demigod Game Pirates, Stop Killing Fun
85 percent of gamers playing Stardock's new Demigod real-time strategy game just a few days after its release are pirates, says Brad Wardell.News
Final Fantasy 13 Trial Game Released
Square Enix is now offering a trial version of the Final Fantasy Thirteen videogame in Japan.News
Xbox 360 Growth, Wii and PS3 Decline in March
Microsoft bumps Nintendo and Sony for year-over-year profits while video game hardware, software, and accessories feel the recession's teeth in overall declines.News
Wii MotionPlus for New Games Only
Nintendo's add-on peripheral to increase the accuracy of its Wii Remote, but won't work with current games.News
Numbers Game: The PC Gaming Alliance Interview, Part Three
Is PC gaming wilting or blooming? Check out part three of our five part interview with PC Gaming Alliance and Intel games director Randy Stude and judge for yourself.News
10 Top Bluetooth Gadgets You Can’t Live Without
A roundup of 10 cool and useful Bluetooth devices to help you phone, print, do presentations, and more–all without wires.News
Gamers First: The PC Gaming Alliance Interview, Part Two
Is PC gaming wilting or blooming? Check out part two of our five part interview with PC Gaming Alliance and Intel games director Randy Stude and judge for yourself.News
What Dying Industry? The PC Gaming Alliance Interview, Part One
Is PC gaming wilting or blooming? Check out part one of our five part interview with PC Gaming Alliance and Intel games director Randy Stude and judge for yourself.News
Netflix for Wii and PS3, Here it Comes?
Netflix two-timing Microsoft? Don't bet on it, but word is something's up, per an intriguingly worded job-posting online.News
Beam ESPN Content to Your Nintendo DS
Nintendo and ESPN buddy up to put wireless sports analysis, mini-games, and hot dogs in the palm of your hand.News
Scooped: Red Faction Guerrilla Demo
Hands-on with Volition's Red Faction: Guerrilla Demo for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.News
Rumor: PSP2 Out Before Christmas
Sony's PSP-next could be just around the corner, as visions of sliding touch-screens and dual-analogue nubs dance in our heads.News
Nintendo Sold 600,000 DSi Handheld in Europe, US at Launch
Sales figures show a warm reception around the world, said Nintendo President Satoru IwataNews
Nielsen: Wii Played Less than Xbox 360, PS3
PS3 and Xbox 360 owners gaming's die-hardest, according to Nielsen's "State of the Video Gamer" report.News
Acer’s AspireRevo Nettop Taps Ion Platform
Device is positioned as full-fledged multimedia and gaming PC.News
Coming Soon: Lightweight Laptops That Pack More of a Punch
A flurry of recent announcements signal that lightweight, yet inexpensive computers are about to get a whole lot faster.News
Nintendo DSi UK Sales “Eclipse” Original DS
Behold the DSi, Nintendo's portable sales cruise missile, aimed at the hearts and wallets of existing DS owners everywhere.News
Can a Game Based on the Iraq War be Apolitical?
With Six Days in Fallujah, Atomic wants to create the most realistic war simulation you've ever seen, but can it avoid taking a political stance in the process?News