Latest Gaming News
NVIDIA GTX 275 Graphics Card: 35% Faster Than HD 4890?
The GeForce GTX 275 is the latest GPU from NVIDIA, aiming to provide value conscious gamers with maximum performance per dollar.News
Sony Slashes the Price of the PlayStation 2
Starting tomorrow, you can get your hands on Sony's game console for only $100.News
Yes, Microsoft’s Working on an Xbox Next. Surprised?
Blizzard says Microsoft is, Blizzard says Microsoft isn't. Some stories are completely predictable.News
About Sony’s “Big PS3 Announcement” Tomorrow
The scuttlebutt points to a PlayStation 3 price drop, but will Sony hold the line until summer 2009?News
To Improve Your Eyesight, Fire Up the Shoot-’em-up
A new medical study finds playing action-based video games improved the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) in test subjects.News
GDC 2009: Dexter (and Other Games) For Your iPhone
At the Game Developers Conference 2009, we saw a demo of the new iPhone game based on Showtime's Dexter TV series, as well a slew of other iPhone apps.News
GDC 2009: OnLive in Action and Xbox Games on your Cell Phone
Want to play a high-end PC game on your TV without having to pay for the hardware? How about high-quality racing games on your cell phone?News
Google Goes Gaming with New Themes
Google has unleashed a series of eye-popping video game themes for its iGoogle homepage.News
GDC 09: 6 Reasons OnLive Could Be a Bust
Are the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and even your Windows PC really the last of a dying breed?News
GDC 09: Sony Slashes PS3 Price (Sort Of), PC Tops for Gaming
Imagine if the PS3 actually cost $10,250…would you buy one?News
OnLive: Will it Beat Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii at Their Own Game?
The game console as you know could be about to change forever. OnLive streams high-end games to your PC, Mac or a tiny console that plugs into your TV.News
OnLive: Video Games Without the Hardware
OnLive could change the future of the industry with its revolutionary plan for video games.News
NVIDIA Provides PhysX for Playstation 3 and Wii
Within two days, NVIDIA announced licensing agreements with both Sony and Nintendo to use PhysX software for game development.News
GDC 09: Game On’s Top 5 GDC Wishlist
It's short, a trifle prickly, and you probably won't agree with most of it.News
GDC 09: 18,000 Attendees, 400 Sessions, and That Metal Gear Solid Guy
The Game Developers Conference 2009 runs all this week, but with the recession in force, don't expect the spectacle of recent years.News
Play Xbox Games on Your Cell Phone
Want to play home console-quality games on your cell phone? By this winter, you will.News
Galactica Superfans: Game Mods, Videos and More
Do you love Battlestar Galactica as much as these people? Probably not. Check out some videos — and download some free BSG-inspired games.News
Mass Effect 2 Coming to Xbox 360, Windows in “Early 2010”
Bioware officially reveals long assumed sequel to its critically acclaimed 2007 space opera, but will it be smart enough to sway dissenting opinion?News
Top 5 Favorite Happenings at Apple’s iPhone 3.0 Media Event (not Copy/Paste)
There's bound to be a tidal wave of news regarding Apple's iPhone 3.0 media event. You're going to hear a lot about Cut/Copy/Paste, MMS, in-app purchasing, blah, blah, blah. Here's the dirt on what really mattered at the Apple event.News
The PlayStation 3 Price Cut That Wasn’t
Sony says there are still no immediate plans to slash PS3 pricing, but could they renege at the annual Games Developer Conference next week?News
Nintendo, Microsoft Prevail in Joystick Patent Lawsuit
A judge in the U.S. state of Texas has thrown out a lawsuit filed against Nintendo and Microsoft that alledged the two…News
Nvidia Spent $43.6 Million to Replace Faulty Graphic Chips
Nvidia spent $43.6 million to cover warranty costs from flawed graphics chips during its most recent fiscal year.News
What’s Your Primary Games System?
Nintendo DS soars past 100 million shipped milestone…so are you primarily a handheld or traditional set top console gamer?News
PlayStation Network Expands
Adding NBC Universal shows to the PlayStation Store bumps the roster but Xbox Live's menu is still longer.News
Utah’s “Truth in Advertising” Games Bill Is Dangerously Wrong
Games bill H.B. 353 would add age-related offenses to the state's "truth in advertising" law and scupper years of efforts by the ESRB.News
A Sneak Peek at The Sims 3
With the imminent worldwide release of The Sims 3, EA invited us to their offices for a preview of the game.News
Why Amazon’s Game Trade-In Program Won’t Work
Amazon's ready to embrace your piles of castoff video games, but are you ready to embrace the tedium of packing, shipping, and waiting?News
Beatles Rock Band Debut Set for September
In a virtual reunion of sorts, The Beatles will star in a Rock Band game for Xbox 360, Playstation3, and Nintendo Wii.News
Spill Real Blood for Resident Evil 5
Want to give something back to the community on Resident Evil 5 launch day? Capcom's got just the thing.News
Sony’s PSP Gets a New Look
Redesigned portable gaming device is rumored to have a new sliding screen.Security Alert
Avoid Steam Games Scam Sites
Realistic-looking sites promise free games, and instead steal your account.News
Resident Evil Red: Xbox 360 Limited Edition Hitting Stores
Microsoft's bloody red Xbox 360 bundled with Resident Evil 5 is already showing up in some stores.News
Intel Teases Guitar Hero World Tour for Windows
Intel says it'll show a Windows version of Activision's latest Guitar Hero rhythm game at next week's CeBIT 2009 in Hanover, Germany.News
Will Sony’s Next PSP Lose the UMD Drive?
The PlayStation Portable 2 is long overdue, and users are eager for a serious upgrade.News
Stringer Shakes up Sony Management, Takes President Position
Sony is reorganizing its main structure and management and CEO Howard Stringer will take direct control.News
Who’s Online? Sony Claims 20m, Microsoft Claims 17m
Leaks, claims, and (wish we had the) videotapes — Microsoft releases online stats, and Sony counters. Sort of.News
PlayStation 3 Price Drop Finally in the Offing?
Sony could announce a $100 PlayStation 3 price cut in the "next couple days," says investment firm.News
Rubik’s 360, a Next-Gen Handheld Mind-Bender
No, it's not a hep new accessory for Microsoft's Xbox 360, but it is the official sequel to the world's bestselling mechanical puzzle.News
Windows 7 “Great For Games,” But What About GFW Live?
Microsoft claims everything's coming up roses for gaming the next version of Windows, but does it have its priorities straight?News
Microsoft: Online Gamers Still a Top Malware Target
Microsoft removed nearly 1 million copies of an online game password stealer called Taterf in the first half of February.News
Microsoft Repairing Xbox 360 “Renewal of Death”
Not the infamous hardware-scotching "red" variety, but you may just as well see crimson if you encounter this achievement-snuffing bug.News
DICE: Valve’s Newell Says Pirates “Way Ahead of Us”
Digital distribution guru Gabe Newell says pirates are paying customers sick of region-specific delays and digital rights management nooses.News
Can Tech Be Gross? You Bet
The words "gross" and "tech" don't often go together, but–starting with some of the gross iPhone apps that have been coming out lately–the technology world proves that it does indeed have its grotesque side.News
Sony Says Xbox “Lacks Longevity,” Microsoft Shrugs
Sony says the PS3 finishes on top, Microsoft says it'll take Sony half a decade just to catch up.News
SNL: Alec Baldwin Shakes His Wii
Saturday Night Live host celebrates Nintendo's Wii with a two-handed Valentine's Day salute.News
US Gaming Market Sees 13% Growth in January
The U.S. market for video game software and hardware registered another month of year-on-year growth in January.News