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Hassle-Free PC
Restore Access to a Write-Protected Hard Drive
Is your flash drive, external hard drive, or other drive suddenly refusing to let you write anything to it or delete files? Here's the fix.Answer Line
Is That Grinding Sound the Death of My Hard Drive?
Ericuse165 has a friend with a PC that's making a grinding noise. Eric asked the Hard Drives, NAS Drives, Storage forum for advice.How-To
How to Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster
Looking to slash your Windows PC's boot time to the bone? We'll show you how we made one system boot 30 percent faster–without any hardware upgrades.How-To
How to Boost Your Smartphone Battery Life
Tired of watching your phone die when you need it the most? Here's a collection of tips and tricks for wringing a little extra juice from your Android, iOS, or Windows Phone 7 smartphone's battery.How-To
Printer Buying Guide: Major Printer Types Explained
All-in-one, inkjet, laser, snapshot–we help you pick the printer that’s best for your needs.How-To
How to Add or Remove a Printer on a PC or Mac
Just picked up a new printer, or a new PC? We'll show you how to get them working together, quickly.How-To
How to Set Up RAID on Your PC
Boost your hard-drive performance, add redundancy, or do both by converting your PC to use a RAID setup.Hassle-Free PC
Three Surprising Things About Hard Drive Defragging
If you're still thinking about your hard drive in Windows XP terms, it's time to learn how Windows 7 handles the not-so-big-deal that is defragmentation.How-To
How to Calibrate Your Monitor
Calibrate your monitor to display colors accurately and to improve the look of photos, videos, and games.How-To
How to Create and Mount an ISO Disc Image
Need to copy a CD or DVD to a disc-image file? Here's how to create an ISO in Windows.Hassle-Free PC
How to Clean Your Laptop or Desktop LCD
There's a right way and a wrong way to remove the dust and streaks from your LCD. Make sure you don't do it the wrong way.Answer Line
Move an old hard drive to a new PC
A reader asks about moving a hard drive from an old PC to a new one, then booting Windows XP.Answer Line
Can You Put an SSD and HDD In a Laptop?
George McCluney asked about putting an SSD and an HDD together in a laptop.Hassle-Free PC
Create a Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Your E-Mail Address
Tired of typing your e-mail address every time you log in, register for a site, fill out a form, and so on? Here's how to automate address insertion.Simply Business
Soothe Your Sore Eyes With F.lux’s Time-Sensitive Lighting
This cross-platform utility automatically adjusts your display lighting based on the time of day.Answer Line
Laptop Keyboard Problems
The keyboard on Therese Gween's laptop is misbehaving. What can she do about it?Hassle-Free PC
A Better Way to Switch Between Open Windows
If you're still reaching for the mouse every time you want to change windows, there's a much faster keyboard shortcut–and not the one you think.Answer Line
The Best of Both Worlds: An SSD and a HDD
Patrick Couzens asked about using both an SSD and an HDD in the same computerHassle-Free PC
Create a Keyboard Shortcut for Your Favorite Folder
Windows doesn't let you pin folders to the Taskbar, but you can set up keyboard shortcuts that'll open them just as lickety-split.Answer Line
Add Convenient Print Preview for Firefox
Parker3 asked how to put Print Preview icon on the Firefox toolbarHow-To
Travel Smart: The Best Tech Gear for the Road
You can take it with you. A digital nomad reveals his favorite mobile equipment for traveling light.How-To
How to Create Your Own Cable Organizers
Here are a few tips for organizing those pesky cables without pricey cable organizers.Hassle-Free PC
Recover a Stolen Laptop with Free LockItTight
Laptops get stolen every day. If you want to increase the chances of recovering yours without paying a monthly service charge, this service can help.How-To
How to Work Outdoors
Working outside is often an eye-squinting, headache-inducing, battery-draining agony. It doesn’t have to be, if you follow these outdoor computing tips.How-To
How to Make a Professional Letterhead
When it's time to kill trees and print business letters, nothing adds a professional touch like custom letterhead. Every small business should have a stack on hand. Here's how to start.How-To
How to Make Business Brochures That Stand Out
Sure, social networking helps you reach the masses, but a brochure lets you show off your business in the real world. Here's how to create a brochure without paying a professional a fortune.How-To
Design and Create Essential Print Materials for Your Business
How to Get Your Business Noticed on PaperAnswer Line
Repair a CD or DVD
Spiderowych has a high school graduation DVD that no longer plays properly. He asked the Answer Line forum for help.How-To
How to Make Great Business Cards
Whether you run a company or are striking out on your own as a freelancer, business cards remain essential to your image and your networking efforts. Here's how to make business cards that help you shine.How-To
How to Encrypt a Hard Drive
Use encryption to prevent outsiders from gaining easy access to data on your hard drives and flash drives.How-To
How to Install an SSD in Your Laptop
Laptops are ideal candidates for solid state drives: These drives are more rugged and shock resistant than standard hard drives, since they have no moving parts.Answer Line
Backup on the Road
Matt travels on business a lot. He asked the Answer Line forum for suggestions on backing up his data while on the road.Answer Line
An Old Hard Drive and OS in a New PC
Terry Marshall asked if he could move his old hard drive, unchanged, to his new PCHow-To
How To Fix and Avoid Printer Paper Jams
Paper jams can be annoying and can cause a mess, but following these steps will help you out next time you're in a bind.Answer Line
What Do You Do With an Infected CD, DVD, or Flash Drive?
Cyberknight asked the Antivirus & Security Software forum about safely handling infected external mediaHow-To
How To Make Holiday Gift Boxes With Your Printer
Make your own gift boxes from home this holiday season.How-To
How To Print Your Own Holiday Temporary Tattoos
Print your own festive temporary tattoos using your home inkjet or laser printer.How-To
How To Print Your Own Holiday Gift Tags
Printing your own holiday gift tags can save time and money, and ads an element of customization.How-To
How To Make a Dreidel With Your Printer for the Holidays
Instead of making a dreidel out of clay, make one out of paper using your home printer.Hassle-Free PC
The Most Indispendable Tool in My PC Repair Kit
This item sits in a drawer most of the time, but every now and again it emerges to save the day.How-To
Should Your Office Buy an Inkjet or a Laser Printer?
Inkjet vs. Laser Printer: Which Is Better for Your Work?Answer Line
Laptop Battery Not Charging
Myloginname asked the Laptops forum what to do about a battery that's not chargingHassle-Free PC
Three Laptop Parts You Can Replace Cheaply on eBay
Laptop repairs don't have to cost a fortune. Very often you can get parts for a fraction of what the manufacturer charges.How-To
How to Clean Your PC, Inside and Out
Cleaning a PC is more than just uninstalling a few apps and wiping off the case. Here's how to defeat dust, gunk, and other unmentionable material that gets lodged inside your desktop system.Hassle-Free PC
Insert Special Characters in Documents, E-Mails, and Web Pages
Ever wish you could add an accented 'e' to your text? Or an em-dash? Here's how.How-To