Plans are to roll out twelve Best Buy Express machines to airports in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and San Francisco by September 1.
You’ll be able to swipe your credit card (I don’t assume you’ll be able to stuff $100 bills into these machines) and to buy everything from cell phones, digital cameras, flash drives, MP3 players, headphones, travel adapters and chargers.
“The launch of Best Buy Express is another way for Best Buy to provide consumers with the products they need from a brand they trust, even while they’re on-the-go,” said Chris Stidman, vice president of Strategic Planning for Best Buy, in a statement.
Ah, well, another way to siphon cash from my wallet. I guess at least I’ll be able to enjoy a MP3 player as I head to my gate. Wait – does that player come pre-loaded with music, or did I just drop bills for an uncharged, empty media device which will add bulk to my carry on? Maybe Best Buy should think about MP3 digital sales on these vending machines as well.